No.14 Apollo's Gold

'But I think I found someting better than gold in Aghios Sostis.' Takis smiled at me. 'I'm glad you feel like that, Liz,' he said. 'Because I feel like that, too. (p.48)

This story is about a woman, archaeology. She is very aggresive and interested in many thing. However, one day, a doctor advised her to rest somewhere. Thorough her recess, she involved in accident. Her action is very surprising and thrilling so her destiny become to see less and less.

I can read this book without stopping in the middle. This story makes me scaring and takes me into the book's world. Adventure is very dangerous but I thought that it may be good to experience some thrill. Also it is necessary to get stimulation.

Antoinette, Moses. Apollo's gold.(1999). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press



The new zealand file


No.1 Clever woman, the