No.13 Grace Darling

At first William Darling did not answer. He looked into his wife's eyes. 'We're going, Thomasin,' he said quietly. 'We have to go. Come down now and help us with the boat.' (p.28)

I read 'Grace Darling' because I 'm interestead in the gap book title and picture. This is story about sea. The main character and her family's job is to help peaple on the sea. Their job is very dangerous so always they are in great peril. One day she find people holding on to tha rock. From this, her adventure begin.

The book was very exciting for me. At first I can't expect content anything, but when I finished reading this book, I feel great satisfaction. Also this book teaches me the important of courage and sense of responsibility. So I think that I want to read many people.

Tim, Vicary. Grace Darling.(1991).  Oxford : Oxford University Press




The new zealand file


No.1 Clever woman, the