No.6 Voyage of Sindbad the sailor, The

And I said, ' Never again!' That was my last voyage!' It was not last voyage. I will tell you about it tommorow.(p.25)

This story about one curious man. He likes voyages, adventures and new things, doesn't like nomal life. Therefore he sets seil on the sea foe many times and met new experiences and gets stimulations. His life is never stable but for him it is best choice.

I read "Voyage of Sindbad the sailor, The". At firsrt, I think that his life is too dangerous and flee. If there are such as peaople in modern days, they are regarded as strange and can't live well. However I yeam for his wild life and want to experience it only one time.

Francis, Panline. (2000). Voyage of Sindbad the sailor. Harlow: The:Penguin readers



The new zealand file


No.1 Clever woman, the