No.5 Tales from the arabian nights

So Sheherezade won the sultan's love with her stories. She loved hi, too, and they were very happy.(p.39)

This is story about one king and one clever woman. He had a wife but one day he killed her beacause of her mistake. After that, he met the clever woman and spend interesting time with her by listenind to her stories. She has many different kinds of stories so mke him attractive.

I read "Tales from the arabian nights". This book is little long for me. However, I can't read it without stopping on the way like him because the clever woman's stories are too fan. I want to reccomend reading it. Also I thought I want to listen her nice story too

Collins, Anne. (2000). Tales from the arabian nights: Penguin readers



The new zealand file


No.1 Clever woman, the